Sunday, June 10, 2012

Portabello, Spinach and Goat Cheese Lasagna

Here is an easy, nutritious, meat free dinner that you can prepare the night before when you know you have a late day at the office the next day.  Simply leave a note for the hubby to throw it in the oven an hour before you get home and Ta Da, dinner is waiting for you when you get home!

2lbs Portabello Mushrooms (or Creminis, which are just baby protabellos)
2lbs Fresh Spinach
2 Cloves Garlic Minced (1 tsp if you are using your frozen chopped garlic)
2ea Zucchini and Yellow Squash
2 Cups Ricotta (see my "Home Made Ricotta Blog")
8oz Fresh Goat Cheese (look for it in the "fancy cheese" display case by the deli department)
1 Cup Grated Parmesan Cheese (the real stuff, not the Green Can kind)
2 Qts Tomato Sauce (See my "Big Batch Tomato Sauce Blog")
1 8oz bag Mozzarella (low moisture is preferable)
1 box Lasagna Noodles

Start by cutting all the mushrooms into a large dice (1/2"x1/2"), toss with a few Tbl olive oil, salt and pepper.  Spread evenly on a backing sheet.  Place in 450' oven for about 15min or until they start to brown and look roasted.
Before                                                                After

Wash and slice squash.  Lightly oil and salt and pepper.  Line up on baking sheet and place in oven with mushrooms.  Remove when they are lightly browned
Before                                                                After

While your mushrooms are cooking start sauteing your spinach.  In the largest pan you have, gently heat 1 Tbl olive oil with the minced garlic cloves.  Do this over low heat so you don't burn your garlic.  Add spinach and a pinch of salt and pepper (careful with the salt, it is very easy to over salt spinach).  Using tongs gently toss spinach until it is 2/3 wilted.  Turn off the heat and remove spinach form pan.  It will continue to cook as it sits so try not to over cook it in the pan.

Next, in you food processor combine ricotta, goat cheese and Parmesan.  Add salt and pepper.  Combine until smooth. 

Boil noodles until they are 1/2 cooked.  Rinse under cool water. 

Now assemble...

Shredded Mozzarella
Tomato Sauce
Ricotta Mix
Tomato Sauce
Ricotta Mix
Tomato Sauce

Now you have 2 choices; Bake at 350' for approx 1 hour or until it is golden and bubbling OR Place plastic wrap over it and refrigerate until tomorrow. 

If you want to make it with meat simply buy a package of Italian Sausage, peel the casing off and saute the same way you would ground beef.  Drain off excess fat and add to the mushroom/spinach layer.

I turn the broiler on for a few minutes at the end of the cooking time.  This way I get that ultra crunch cheesy layer that good lasagna is know for.

Always place a baking sheet under the lasagna pan,  this way when it starts to bubble over you don't have a smoking, dirty oven.

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