Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Home Made Ricotta; So Simple, So Good!

I love making my own ricotta for a few reasons...
1) I can use up any extra milk I have on hand
2) It is cheaper than purchased ricotta
3) I know exactly what is in it
4) It is easy to do
White Vinegar
-Yep, that's it!

Start by putting your milk in a heavy bottom pan.  Bring it to a boil over medium high heat.  Be sure to whisk frequently to prevent scorching. 

Once you have reached a simmer, turn off heat and add white vinegar 1 Tbl at a time until you see the curd separate from the whey.  It will look a little like cottage cheese floating in yellow/green water.

Using a small hole strainer scoop curds off the top of the whey

Put curds and a small amount of whey into your food processor

Puree in food processor until smooth, adding additional whey or olive oil (if you want the extra flavor) until you reach a creamy consistency.  Season with salt and pepper
Be Careful!  Once milk starts to simmer, it will boil over VERY quickly!  Do not step away!
I use whole milk because it is full flavored and it is what I tend to have on hand at home.

4 cups of milk will make 1 cup of  finished ricotta

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