Sunday, June 10, 2012

Homemade Soft Serve Frozen Yogurt

Here is a recipe that you can whip up as a quick, nutritious treat for your kids or to simply satisfy your sweet tooth on a hot day.  This is a great substitute for calorie rich ice cream, never mind you are eating tons of fruit.

Yogurt, frozen in ice cube trays
Bananas, extra ripe, cut into chunks and frozen
Strawberries, cut into quarters and frozen
Blueberries, fresh or frozen
Raspberries, fresh or frozen
Mangoes, fresh or fresh cut then frozen
Coconut Water, frozen in ice cube trays
Pineapple, fresh or fresh cut then frozen
These are just a few ideas and my favorits, feel free to use whatever you like!

All you have to do is place whatever goodies you want into your Ninja or blender (you need a high quality blender to achieve a soft serve frozen yogurt consistency.  I have no problems with my Ninja)

Pulse and puree until smooth.  You can add a little fresh fruit juice or milk if your blender is having a hard time with all the frozen fruit. 

If you want a quick, on the go breakfast, simply make one of these with a little extra OJ or Milk and you have a nutritious smoothie to go.

When freezing fresh fruit first wash it thoroughly, cut into chunks, spread evenly on a PARCHMENT PAPER LINED baking pan.  Freeze until firm, peel parchment off of baking sheet and pop frozen fruit off paper.  Place in gallon zip lock bags and store in the freezer.

I buy lots of berries and fruit during the peak of their season when they are ULTRA cheap and freeze them for the winter months when they are expensive and not very sweet.

I also buy in bulk high quality, organic yogurt when it goes on sale.  Freeze it in ice cube trays, once frozen pop out of trays and store in gallon zip lock bags.

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