Thursday, May 10, 2012

Fajitas with all the Fixin's

I was thinking since I haven't blogged any new recipes in a few days I would make it up to you by giving you a complete Mexican Feast... Grilled Chicken Fajitas with Charred Sweet Peppers, Spanish Rice, Pinto Beans and Avocado Salsa Verde.  Mmmmm, how excited are you?!
2 Cups Long Grain Rice (I like Jasmine Rice, it is a great multi purpose rice with tons of flavor)
1/2 Can of Rotel
1 Bunch Cilantro Stems
3 Pinches of Salt

The first step is to go to Target and buy a rice cooker (or go to this link and order one...  )  I cannot stress to you enough that you should buy a rice cooker!  I have a 50K college degree in cooking and have been cooking full time professionally for 15 years and I NEVER cook rice at home with out using a rice cooker.

Alright, now that you have a shiny new rice cooker lets get started.  Get your manual out and find where they tell you how much rice and how much water you should be using (I cannot tell you what to use because every rice cooker is different, follow their instructions)  Try to find the ratio that looks like you would be using 2 cups of uncooked rice,  now add rice, suggested amount of water MINUS 1/4 cup water, the 1/2 can of Rotel and salt.  Give it a gentile stir, toss cilantro stems on top.
Close lid and start.  When rice is finished remove cilantro stems and fluff with a fork.


1 pkg Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts

1/2 Can Rotel

1 pkg Taco Seasoning Mix

3 Yellow, Red or Green Peppers (the peppers in my pictures are not bell peppers but were on sale at my produce store and taste exactly like bell peppers)

Get your grill or your indoor grill pan on high heat.  Clean your chicken breast and cut them in half (cut like a hamburger bun is cut)

Season both sides with a little salt and pepper.  Give your grill a quick spray with non stick pan spray.  Gently put chicken breasts onto grill.  Once you have achieved nice grill marks on the first side, flip them over and cook on the other side.  Since you cut the breasts in half they should be fully cooked at this point. 

Let cool slightly and cut into thin strips.  Place chicken in a large saute pan.

Wash and pat dry your peppers.  Drizzle with a small amount of oil and sprinkle with salt and pepper.  Place on grill and let them get nice and dark. 

Once they are nice and charred, transfer to a bowl and cover with plastic wrap.  This will steam the peppers and get their skin loose. 

Once they are cool enough to handle place them on your cutting board and using the back of your knife gently scrap the skin away (this should be very easy to do).  Cut them open, and again with the back of your knife, scrap the seeds away.  Give them a rough chop and toss in the pan with the sliced chicken. 

Add 1 cup water, 1/2 can Rotel and package of taco seasoning mix.  Cook over medium heat until juice is slightly thickened.



1 Large Can Pinto Beans
1/2 Pkg Taco Seasoning Mix
1 Cup Water

Open can, drain and rinse beans.  Put into a heavy bottomed pan with water.  Using a potato masher or your hand gently squish the beans to make a chunky puree.  Add seasoning package and salt.  Cook over low heat, stirring often until thickened. 

Yep that's right I saved the best for last!  This stuff is the best!   I make it and use it as a sauce for fish, shrimp, grilled steak, tacos or even just eating it with tortilla chips.  It is like salsa Verde and guacamole had a love child.  Make it!  I PROMISE you will love it!

7 Tomatillos (These are the things that look like baby green tomatoes with a thin, paper-like shell on them)

1 Jalapeno

1 Bunch Cilantro Leaves (remember the cilantro stems you needed to make the rice... Ah ha, we are using the whole bunch, stems and all!)

1 or 2 Limes (depends on the size and how acidic you want it.)

2 Ripe Avocados (they should be firm, but you should be able to dent the flesh of you push a little.  If your avocados are not rice enough put them in a closed paper bag on your counter for 24 hours.  For more info on why this works see "Eat Your Broccoli" Blog.  It has to do with the ethylene gas)

3 Cloves Garlic, whole, peeled

1/4 tsp Ground Cumin

Salt and Pepper

Peel the paper-like shell off your tomatillos, wash them and cut in half (like a hamburger bun is cut)  Place cut side down on a hot grill or grill pan.  Place washed jalapeno on grill also.  Cook until they are nice and dark.  Flip tomatillos over and cook other side. 
Once everything is nice and grilled place it all into a pan. Add 1 cup water and garlic. Simmer over medium heat for 5 minutes or until everything is very soft.

Remove jalapeno (it should still be whole) and set aside.  Place everything else into the blender (including avocados, cilantro, cumin and lime juice).  Pulse in blender until smooth.
Most adorable chef ever!  She loves helping using the blender :)
Taste it and see if you would like it spicier.  If so, simply cut a chunk of your jalapeno off and blend into salsa. 


To juice limes more quickly, cut them in half and wedge into the V of a pair of tongs.  Squeeze tongs and Voila, easy juice!

After you are done using your grill pan, wash under warm water.  Rinse and place back onto stove.  Turn your burner on medium heat until pan is completely dry.  This will prevent rust from forming on you pan.

Since my 16 month old daughter cannot eat a taco I make her quesadillas, which are much easier to handle with little hands.  Simply spread a layer of beans, chicken and cheese onto 1/2 the tortilla.  Fold over to make a sandwich.

In a non stick pan put 1 tsp butter, gently melt over medium heat.  Toast quesadilla just like you would a grilled cheese sandwich. 

Cut into 1/4's and give your little one some sour cream and salsa Verde to dip them in.

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